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Best JAX WAX Discount STAND

Welcome to our site and thank you for visiting. My name is Kevin and I’ve been a classic car enthusiast my whole life. I own a vintage 1963 Ford Falcon that was my Grand Mothers original car, so I take extra pride and care for it, having special family meaning.

The car is original 1963 paint in dark black and as we know that can be one of the most difficult colors to maintain it’s natural luster and shine. So I needed to find quality auto detailing products that would preserve the original beauty and finish.

After literally hundreds of different wax products and decades of searches, I was lucky to discover the Jax Wax line of detailing products. Since I’ve tried so many different wax’s etc, I purchased just the Jax Wax Liquid Carnauba Paste Wax ,and from the first day I was amazed of not only how gorgeous the finish of the car was, but how easy to apply and remove.

Just about any wax I’ve used in the past was a long tedious process and the results were par at best. Not only were the results fabulous and the application process a dream, but the finish stayed immaculate for months. So after using this Jax Wax product I was convinced to try their other products as well. 

To make a long story short and fast forward to today EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT they have is incredible! So with that being said I decided to be a distributor for their entire product line. My family and I travel to various car shows and auto exposes, selling and promoting this awesome product.

Perhaps you’ve met us at a show and is the reason you’re here now :-). Every single product is available here in our online shop with significant discounts, exclusive offers, over 30 video demonstrations and helpful detailing tips and info.

We also offer extra special discount options and weekly specials by merely signing up for our 100% FREE Best Jax Wax Exclusive Club

The club offers special 24-48 hour flash sale opportunities, chances to win free products, first introduction to brand new merchandise and our exclusive loyalty program.

If you have any questions at all about the products uses or application or if we can help in any way, please feel free to contact us via our contact page any time and we will be sure to get back to you within 24 hours or sooner.

Wishing you all the very best~Kevin